Bush granddaughter endorses Clinton over Trump — and conservatives go bonkers

Lauren Bush Lauren spends her days working to help feed the poor in impoverished nations through her company FEED Projects, which makes products that engage people in the fight to end world hunger.

She began the organization after serving as the World Food Program (WFP) honorary spokesperson. While she’s the granddaughter of George H.W. Bush and the niece of George W. Bush, she has decided to go with Hillary Clinton over her family’s party nominee, Donald Trump, this election.

In an Instagram photo shared yesterday, Lauren captioned a black and white photo of Clinton with an American flag emoji and the hashtag #ImWithHer. While some were supportive, many were not.
“Disgusting,” Scott Whaley began his comments. “I thought you helped the needy.

 How can you support this hag after what her foundation did to Haitians!?!? #CruellaDeVille”
“You are a coward and a discredit to rape victims,” he posted in another note after that.
“So terribly disappointed!” dolores_612 shouted at Lauren. “How could you possibly support this level of evil and corruption is really beyond me! She plays for cold hard cash from our enemies!!”

The comments on Facebook weren’t much better. “Don’t believe anyone from the Bush family anymore. Every bush family member’s decision is a disaster. Bush 41st, Bush 43rd, Jeb, and now this? No thank you,” said a Facebook account named “Don’t underestimate the Dutch,” which features lewd photos on its timeline.

Bush is the daughter of Neil Bush, the fourth of the six children George H.W. and Barbara Bush had. She’s married to David Lauren, the son of well-known fashion designer Ralph Lauren.

She’s not the only member of her primarily Republican family to support Clinton, however. Her grandfather told former Maryland Lt. Gov. Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend that he plans to cast his ballot for Clinton in November.

Given the close Bush family enemies Trump has made over the last year, it’s not shocking to see the family go this route. While former Governor Jeb Bush hasn’t endorsed Clinton, he has said that there is no way he’ll be supporting Trump. His son, George P. Bush, however, a Republican party official in Texas, said that he will be supporting his party’s nominee.

Relations between Lauren and the Bushes have been strained after her mother Sharon divorced Neil Bush after 23 years of marriage. The divorce was a dirty one, dragging the Bush name through the mud. 

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