Barely eight years after commencing operation, Ideas House, one of the leading experiential marketing agencies in the country, has undertaken an unusual path by introducing Thank God Its Thursday (TGIT).
This is against the usual norm; ‘Thank God It’s Friday’, which most people are familiar with. With TGIT, staff of the Agency now work four days a week in the office whilst working from home on Fridays.
We have joined the 36% of organizations around the world that allow their employees work shortened schedules.
This was introduced to improve employee work-life balance by launching our CSR drive (Read HERE).
The idea helps reduce day-to-day operational cost by 20% and guess what, the salaries remain unchanged.
How cool is that!!!
Ideas House is a marketing and sales solutions provider that is supremely passionate about MARKETING PROMOTIONAL IDEAS, EXPERIENTIAL ACTIVATIONS and REVENUE GROWTH.
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