Speaking to newsmen during a visit to the school yesterday, Abraham said preliminary investigations showed that there was no gun shot wound nor stab wound on the body of the deceased commandant.
“There was hemorrhage from the nostrils and the mouth and impact wound to the jaw that was all. No other injury on the body, no cut anywhere. The corpse was found intact apart from the hemorrhage (blood) coming out from his nose. Like I said, from the impact to the jaw area but the issue of shooting cutting or puncture wound, there is nothing like that. The circumstances surrounding the death is still under investigation. The military police were there with the intelligence team from the Nigerian Army and our medical team to access the situation. We also invited the police to come because of their expertise on forensic handling to come and look at the surrounding and the body and give us the report. We are awaiting the police report on that. It is very unfortunate and we are really shocked at how the security of the school was bridged and such an incidence could happen,” he said