Ghen ghen! Blac Chyna calls her mother out for saying she bought a house herself, her mother shades her back

Instagram is really hot right now with Blac Chyna’s mum, Ms Tokyo shading her daughter for calling her out. So this is how it started, Tokyo took to IG to say she just bought a house but her daughter  Chyna wasn’t here for it. Chyna called her mum out by saying she bought the house for her. Read the rest of the drama below:

Tokyo Toni then posted a video to clear up who bought what house. She said:
‘You know girls can be so sensitive, God is good, you know, I am a mum, things happen. You know just like in Revelations and Matthew, it states, at the end of time, parents will be against their kids and mother against daughter, father against… That’s not this case here, it’s just a slight case of …I really don’t know what this case of I am still confused, but it’s ok. Then she continued:
“I am just gonna clear somethings up. The house my daughter gave me the down payment and paid the first month rent for, this isn’t the same house, that’s the house that I live in now. But I still got to get some furniture in there, still no got no damn bed. 
“The other house is On my Grind house, we bought that together. It’s a different house, trust me”.
Then Tokyo posted the photos of the house her daughter supposedly bought for her.

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