#OurMumuDonDo: From Charlyboy’s Pulpit…
The Revolution Beckons in 2017. The Mindlessly Audacious Political Criminality of Government Will Be Matched With The Renewed Mass Popular Uprising of the Nigeria People Demanding A Better Nation, Good Governance, Fairness, Equality and Justice For all Nigerians. Our Hunger, Anger, Vexation and Frustration don Belle-full.
It is Time to #FloodTheSystem with Fearlessly Youthful, Mentally Defiant and Incredibly Determined Nigerians. The Demons of the Nigeria Nation have Used Religion, Ethnicity, Tribalism and Corruption to Divide us. Now we say Enough is Enough, Now #CitizensFightBack. This will Be Explosive, This Will Be Controversial, This Will Shake the Foundation of our Mumuness. But at the end of the day 2017 will Begin the March to Freedom from Political Insanity.