Sky P has officially changed his music name to Sky Peters and his Instagram and Twitter handles have been changed to @skypeters_
In an official statement he said…
There has been a lot of misconception about my formal artist name. Sky P, some tag it to Sky B. I do not understand how the letter B and P have come to look alike. Most of my newly released materials have been tagged to the other artist by the mislead fans.
To solve the puzzle and make it a lot easier for everyone, I now go by the name Sky Peters. Derived from my initial Peter. I urge the press, media houses, Friends and Fans etc to address me as such henceforth.
Thank you everyone for understanding signed
Sky Peters
Pls download and listen to this great collections of Songs:
PLAYLIST LINK: https://my.notjustok. com/playlist/6069
SOUNDCLOUD LINK: emmanuel-blacklinks-offei/ sets/sky-p-rose-gold-ep
Source: New feed