"They give your girl cash, poems don’t buy louboutins" – SA businessman on why Nigerian men always take their women

South African businessman and Patriotic Alliance leader, Gayton McKenzie has taken time to advise South African men on women and making money.
While promoting his soon-to-be released book Hustlers Bible 2, McKenzie urged SA men to stop blaming women for going for Nigerian men. In fact, he says they must watch and learn from them as they are “the kings of Africa”.
 “South African men should forget about the scare tactic of lying about drugs regarding Nigerians, our ladies discovered it’s a blanket lie. Nigerian men know how to treat women; spending money on them instead of writing poems, according to him.
“Nigerian ni**as ain’t got time for poems, they give your girl cash and a good time. Poems don’t buy louboutins,” he said.
He does, however, say flowers are a good gift for your lady, only that without a bag or shoes, they will only work for a short space of time.

“A relationship cannot last without gifts, this is not the Stone Age.”
When men fail to impress their women, they always opt for calling them names, saying they are not loyal, he says.

“You want a girl that has a Prada bag but you have an Edgars account, don’t go look for trouble homie. Broke ni**as ain’t got no right to say ‘girls are not loyal’. loyalty to poverty you mean.”
And to the ladies:
 “When your boyfriend is jealous that you make more money than him, be sure that you [are] dating a child man, real ni**as appreciate hustler ladies.”
In a nutshell, McKenzie’s advice to men is to get their finances in order and work their way out of poverty. Not only will this help them take care of their family, but will also help keep their women.
He further shared a story of his cousin who went to him complaining about a rich guy who had taken his girl.

“I told him to prepare to cry many more times unless he gets his money right.”
This as another guy lost his girl at a restaurant because he could not afford to buy her champagne.

“I saw a couple drinking castle lite, the nijas at neighboring table sent a champagne; the guy sent it back, the girl followed the champagne.”
 See his tweets below…

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