70-year-old Catholic priest arrested after spending Parish’s £50,000 on his housekeeper lover

A 70-year-old Catholic Priest John Reid who was arrested for spending his Parish’s £50,000 on his housekeeper, who he lavished with gifts after falling in love with her, has been handed an 18-months jail sentence.

Before sentencing him, Judge Christopher Prince called Father John Reid’s fraud an “aberration” that went on for 40 months. Father Reid, 70, now living in Stockton-on-Tees, got an 18-month suspended jail term after admitting fraud. He will repay the £50,000.

It was gathered that the Priest, who was expected to live a celibate life at
St Cuthbert’s Church, Chester-le-Street, Co Durham, fell for Gillian Leddy and used his church cash on wine and travel for himself, her and her daughters.


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