Nollywood star Mimi Orijekwe who just welcomed her baby girl named Jasmine has revealed she won’t be having another anytime soon after her hectic labour experience.
In a brief 18rated piece on her gram, Mimi narrated the birth of her lovely daughter… Read excepts below..
(Parental guide R18)..
Last night I became a mum 3/4/2017 .. And that was how I agreed to ve a supernatural childbirth.. No anesthetic no epidurals..
Moms u guys didn’t tell me the real gist…. Well bodies differs right .. We completed 40 weeks and 6 days .. I wanted freedom jezz.. So I and jasmine started Trying home induction and it worked .. If u hear labor .. Hmm not all these laborers carrying cement oh.. My sister labor started and escalated .. I thought someone was uprooting my soul with dagger .. Jasmine kept fighting ..
Ok I gave up..I wanted a pain relieve yeah I was seeing my shadow leaving .. Wel same time they checked my longtime only 2cm dilated cvix ..That shit broke and it was already 9cm.. Yeah was like miracle .. Didn’t finish there.. The birthing !the push !the fight !!the struggle !!!the delivery !!oh Lord I will buy keys for all my pants ..
Jasmine says hi .. Meanwhile she’s been staring at me like mum I ve fair hands white legs fair nose , dark forehead etc .. What am I??? Oyibo or Naija,abi na Iraq !! Lol..
Me: Babe Your jus the princess of MY HEART!! We added a daughter, niece ,sister granddaughter to a family of 4 boys brothers re soo xcited jaz!! WE LOVE U VERY MUCH ..