Here’s the Winner of our Last Finest Face Faceoff

She came, she was seen by all of us and she conquered! Peace guys, is our Finest Face winner. She had the highest number of votes so, big congrats to her.

Thank you so much Trisha & Ibiso dearies for sending in your pics for the competition. You are all so pretty! And to all the wonderful Lailans that voted, kisses. You guys are the best.

We are bringing back our Finest Face prize money as well. So, do send me your phone number Peace so I can send you your N3k recharge card.

Today starts new month, guys and I wish to let you all know we are officially resuming our weekly
Finest Face competition.

The truth however is that, right now, I have no readers’ pictures. And you know how this competition works – No pictures mean we can’t have a show.

Today is Saturday, before you know it, another Saturday will be upon us. Can we have our show back again, guys? I’m ready to host it.

It’s time to get our very fine, fashionable sisters and brothers, family members, loved ones, haters alike to send in their photos. There are still cool prizes to be won.

So pleaseeeeee, that your fine brother, choir member, neighbour, that your uncle’s son’s wife’s sister’s younger brother you said you will talk to later to send in his photos, forget procrastination, guys, now is the time. Don’t postpone talking to them again.

My email address still is Let’s do this, dearies! I’m waiting for your photos.

Just make sure pictures you send in are clear and not sooooo filtered we can’t even see your real face. Also add a makeup free photo, that’s compulsory.

Send them in now, ok?


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