Let God Fight This Battle

Ever heard that your weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds? That’s actually a Scripture found in 2 Corinthians 10:4. Meaning that as you draw closer to God and do what He has called you to do, you will experience spiritual warfare. Opposition will come. People will come against you. Tough circumstances will pop up without much notice. Yet, when these inevitable things happen, and when you feel like you just can’t fight your battles on your own, let God fight for you.

When you’re weak, He is strong. And not only that, but God is your vindicator. He’s your very present help in a time of trouble, and your mighty deliverer! All of these are actual verses taken from the Word. So you don’t have to take matters into your own hands, sis. You don’t have to go into your battles alone. Instead, take the Lord at His Word and give them to the Lord.

Sis, let me tell you something, today. As we draw closer to the return of Christ, our great enemy Satan is stepping up his game! Can you sense it? I know that I can.

With that being said, I encourage you to stay on guard. Stay dressed in your full armor as Ephesians 6:12-17 talks about. Because in these last days, he will try everything in the book to try to throw you off track or cause you to doubt God’s power in your life. But don’t let him.

Yes, hard trials will come, offenses will no doubt occur, and opportunities to act out of character will present themselves. However, we must remember that with God and the power of His Word and Holy Spirit, we win! Amen!

Believe that! Satan can be defeated as long as we have God on our side. The Bible encourages us, “If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” (Romans 8:31 – NLT) Our confidence should be that with God, we truly are more than conquerors. So that means that we can overcome whatever the enemy tries to throw our way…no matter how hard the fight.

Listen, sis. No matter what you face in this life, whether it’s dealing with difficult people or tough circumstances, know that you are not alone. God is fighting for you. You can win with the Lord on your side. But you have to rely heavily on the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you.

Before I close this post, I want to encourage you with this – When King Jehoshaphat was about to face a serious battle that he wasn’t sure if he would win, he called on the Lord saying, “O our God. Won’t you stop them? We are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us. We do not know what to do, but we are looking to you for help.” And this is what the Lord said, “…Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:12 & 15 – NLT)

In the end, they WON! The Lord gave them victory over their enemies! Hallelujah! BUT the key here is that King Jehoshaphat called on the LORD for help. And when we follow this example, we can encounter a mighty move of God in our lives as well.

So hold on, my sister. Let God fight for you. And when you do, you’ll not only experience true victory, but inexpressible joy in the end! Be encouraged.

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!

[written by Courtnaye Richard, she loves helping women grow in their walk with the Lord]


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