According to Nneka Obani, who shared the shocking story, her 23 year old maid tried to kill her and her children after she found out she was stealing from her.
“People are always quick to talk about wicked madams but they totally ignore the fact that there are many maids from hell.
One month ago I contacted an agency that gives out maid to give me a maid and this 23yrs old girl was brought to my house.
Three days ago, I was going overhauling the guest room when I got the shock of my life, this girl has been systematically stealing from me. I saw alot stuffs she took which includes; My clothes (she amended the waist of my jeans and cut the length, then she amended the tops)
My children’s clothes
My children’s drinks
My make ups
My creams
My children’s umbilical cord
Some bottles of wine etc
I was in shock and I confronted her, she started pleading that it was the devil but I was no longer comfortable because this was the girl I entrusted the care of my children to when I wasn’t around. So I called the agent that brought and told him to come. He couldn’t make it that day so he came around 7pm last night, we talked and he was also in shock, he pleaded with me to manage with her for two to three days that he would get me another maid, I agreed and he left. I locked my door and came inside that was when this maid started to rain abuses on me, that why did I contact her agency even after she said she was sorry, I told her from her tone right now she didn’t sound so sorry. She was ranting and cursing so I told her to leave my house she said she wasn’t going anywhere instead she was running round the house looking for what to pick up. I told her get out or I throw you out she started to threaten me, she said touch me first and see what will happen to you.
So I brought out her bags to the corridors that was when she rushed and attacked me, I locked my children inside and I was in a scuffle with her outside, next thing I knew she rushed to the back and brought out a star bottle and broke it then she rushed at me. Let’s just say you don’t dare break a bottle for a warri born and brought up, I gave her the beating of her life then handed her over to the vigilante.