Written by: Egbeolowo-Olaitan It would have sounded unpleasant to the ears of they that heard Albert Einstein the day he said, “INSANITY IS DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN, BUT EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS”.
In fact, if I’m to contemplate and decipher whether there is a difference between Nigeria’s pre-colonial era and post colonization, then i would say that there is something wrong with us inside our black skin and we were better off when the white man ruled. Despite the role of education in national development, Nigeria as a nation, keeps deriving pleasure in underfunding her education sector. It shows that we have misplaced our priorities as a nation. Nigerian leaders are always eager in attending to needless issues over the needful ones.
After many outcries on the importance of education and the 26% benchmark as recommended by the UNESCO for developing countries, the reverse seems to be the case in the attitude of the Nigerian government towards education. What this implies is that, for decades, the country’s budget for education has been less than the 26% benchmark recommended by the United Nations for developing countries.
The thing is just that when the cradle is rendered useless it reflects on the nation as a whole,that is why we can’t compete with our counterparts globally. That is why most of the Nigerian parents from the bourgeoisie class prefers to enroll their children abroad rather than enrolling them in this bottomless pit.
According to research, the first and perhaps the greatest challenge facing Nigeria and making it difficult for good quality education that is capable of bringing about sustainable development is inadequate funding by federal, state and local governments.
Also, it would be a maddening crescendo if billions of naira could be used on eating snacks alone and yet, a whole sector is in shambles under the same adminstration.
The Yorubas would say “OJU TO MAA BANI KALE, KO NI TI AARO SE IPIN”. The eyes that will serve one until old age won’t be rheumy in one’s youthful years. Could it be that the future of the Nigerian state has been sabotaged? Could it be that Nigeria is heading for better days? Where does the hope lies? Well,Whether or not Nigeria is heading for better days remains to be seen.