As shared by OYO4Sure:
After a brief discussion with him, I was able to go through some of his patent certificate. Being curious on his course of study and his projects, I asked why he isn’t doing anything related to his course and he immediately brought out his laptop opening through numerous folders showing some simulations, CAD diagrams and some technical details on the drone his company is working on.
I asked if he is going to manufacture all these parts himself and how viable is his vision of producing an unmanned aerial vehicle of such standard here locally and he said:
“I’m purchasing the engine and am having a transfer of technology to be able to locally produce a ground control system. You see this folders (points at some folders in his laptop) they are filled with technical details on most communications aspects. Those are things am capable of doing with the help of a great team.”
He belongs to some foreign organizations and currently working on. His company is a revenue generating company, has overt 400 units of his products used by consumers in foreign countries such as USA, Germany and Pakistan.
I am a PhD holder in electronics and telecommunication and I envy this guy. Few minutes with him shows his level of intelligence and am not surprised as he schooled in a foreign country.