5 Steps To A Clean Heart

I am noticing some residual crud in my heart.

Residual crud = irritation at others you can’t seem to shake off.

Perhaps you have it too. It sounds in a mind like: I am so angry at them, I hate them, I can’t believe they…, I don’t know why anyone would ever…, people always…, they are so…, why does this always happen to me, they should apologize, no one ever…

If we identify residual crud in our mind and circle it like a classified ad, we can see it for what it is and tackle it.

First Step: Ask yourself…

What is my residual crud?

What caused it? (What person, place or circumstance makes you hold on to it?)

Working through this first step is powerful.

Here’s what I learned: I am angry at some girls from my church. I thought they were Jesus lovers, but they injured me. They misunderstood me. I can’t get over it.

But we must push past this first step, or we’ll never release it to God. To make real headway, we have to get to the second step.

Second Step: Inquire of your heart…

What am I getting from this? How do I benefit from holding on to these feelings?

For instance, I realized I am benefitting because I feel like I’m owed something. I can wallow in the needy status of “victim” and am excused from doing good things because they’ll just declare it “bad.” I’m off the hook from trying, because there’s no way, with them against me, to succeed.

When I admit it, I can see I’m using this offense to prevent God’s work.

How is your offended heart relieving you of something? Of hurt? Of calling? Of purpose? Of fear of failure? This question is deep. It requires prayer and an open heart. Ask God to show you, so you can let go.

Often our own mindsets keep us from God’s best. Our humps of hurt prohibit us from seeing his lands of freedom.

But those lands wait.

Third Step: Imagine what God has on the other side of your hump.

On the other side of my hump, I see this: No one stands greater than God’s plan. God knows my heart. If God is for me, no one can stand against me. I am not defined by women’s opinions. I am defined by God’s love. In this world, there will be trial and tribulation, yet God is the Overcomer. God is the Equipper. The unseen realm always trumps the seen realm. He will make my way as I trust Him. He is my everything.

Fourth Step: Decide you don’t want to carry your hurt anymore.

It’s sounds like this: God, take this weight. I don’t want to carry this unforgiveness, bitterness and malice anymore. I fully, 100% forgive them.

Fifth Step: Let it go.

Keep returning to the third step when your soul needs a boost in truth. Let God take care of them. His justice is the best justice and his love in you far exceeds the hatred the enemy wants to keep in you.

[written by Kelly Balarie


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