Pregnant lady tortures stepchild with Hot Water, Locks Her Up for 3 Weeks

A heartbreaking story shared by a lady identified as Ruth…
‘So 5yrs old Esinam has been tortured by her step mum all because she claims she wet her bed. She was dumped in a hot boiled water and locked up in her room for 3 weeks so that know one finds out.

this images you are seeing was as a result of what her step mother of hers who is even pregnant did to her. This didn’t happen in a “Village” but in a community called Odumprala close to Amasaman in the GA south municipality.

As a result of keeping 5yrs old Esinam indoors without any medical attention her private parts have been affected according to Amasaman Doctor’s report.

Where are our women and children activists?

Little Esinam needs some justice!

Until the minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection and other civil societies sees this and seek for justice for little Esinam pls help me share this till help comes, thank u’.

