What stresses you out? Work? Finances? Your kids? A project you are working on that doesn’t appear to be coming together? An over-packed schedule that has you striving for the impossible?
Maybe it’s even your ministry or service to God that has you stressed out!
Stress results when we worry that something won’t work out the way we are hoping. It is the opposite of faith – which is “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1).
And God doesn’t want you to stress. Here’s why…
1. Stress sends a message to God – and everyone else – that He isn’t capable.
2. Stress keeps us from enjoying a relationship with God.
God is focused on relationship. We tend to be focused on activity. He is the One who tells us to “be still” (Psalm 46:10) and to come to Him and rest (Matthew 11:28). We are the ones who are constantly striving to do more.
Yet, as we spend time cultivating a love relationship with God, we will then know how to serve others and we will be able to discern His gentle voice saying “This is what I have for you” or “Step in and help with that.” And when God directs us toward work it will never be at the expense of overlooking our primary responsibilities (to God, our marriage and family), or feeling over-extended.
3. Stress makes us careless.
Whatever comes in the mail today…
Whatever happens at work…
Whatever your bank balance says…
Whatever your spouse says – or doesn’t say – today…
Whatever someone else says about you, whether you deserve it or not…
Whatever grade (or disciplinary report) your child brings home…
Whatever comes your way any given day, you are to live in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
The Gospel of Christ is that He left heaven to come to this earth, live an obedient life to His Father, and then died to be the sacrifice for our sins so we can live eternally when we place our faith in Him. The Gospel of Christ proclaims that Jesus Christ is capable. Our stress says He’s not.
If Jesus is capable of securing our eternal life, He can sure take care of matters in our everyday life.
So, instead of stressing about all you can’t control, start resting in the Only One who can control all things. Here’s how:
A – Admit you are not in control, but God is.
B – Believe God wants only the best for you.
C – Commit yourself to a deeper knowledge of God.
Philippians 4:6-7 instructs, “Don’t worry [or stress] about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus” (NLT).
There you have it. Praying about what stresses you out – and thanking God for being in control of it – will bring peace and an inner calm. Trade your stress for peace. God wouldn’t have it any other way.
[written by Cindi McMenamin]