Georgia police officer arrested after lying about being shot by a black man

Officer Sherry Hall of Jackson, Georgia was arrested on Monday after fabricating a story last month that she had been shot by a black man while on duty, according to the New York Daily News.
Hall alleged that she was shot in the abdomen on September 13 during an encounter with a black suspect who fled the scene into the woods.

Georgia Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Joe Wooten said in a press conference on September 24 that Hall lied about being shot and that she would face several felony charges, which include false statements, tampering with evidence, interfering with government property, and violating oath of office.

During the news conference, Towaliga Judicial Circuit District Attorney Richard Milam said, “There is no person out there with a gun shooting at our police officers.”
Hall’s statements are incredibly irresponsible and problematic, especially given the racial tensions across the country stoked by racialized police violence.

The officer reportedly repeated her story in various interviews over the course of the last month and told the WGCL-TV station, “He shot me. I can’t believe he shot me. Why’d he shoot me? I’m just trying to help him.”

Hall described the man who allegedly shot her as a “5’8″ to 6′ black male weighing about 200 pounds,” according to the Free Thought Project.

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