TB Joshua Leaving Nigeria: Prominent Nigerians React


(Catholic Archbishop Emeritus spoke on phone from a London hospital bed)

The man of God (TB Joshua) should not be intimidated over hostility by government or any other body, as that is a true indication that God is working out His purpose in the midst of His people.

History of the early Church to date shows that true men of God operate in hostile environments. Our Lord Jesus Christ’s ministry was trailed by hostilities in all three and half years and he was eventually wrongly, cruelly tortured and hung on the cross with common thieves.

Also, all His disciples; ministries followed the same pattern, so Joshua should not remove from the midst of his own people who need him greatly. He may not even realise the impact of what his ministry is doing to the poor and need beside healing and setting captives free. Let him stay in his own country and minister to the rest of the world as he is doing.


(Surgeon/Founder, Oodua People’s Congress (OPC)

Prophet T.B. Joshua’s exit from Nigeria would be one brain drain incident too many. If the man of God makes good his threat, that would be a tragedy of no mean proportion and a national embarrassment if such an eminent personality went on self-exile from his fatherland.

Nigeria and Nigerians must do everything possible to ensure that this international Preacher and Televangelist rescinds the decision and remains at home to operate his divine calling. If it happens, Nigeria stands to lose several positive dividends currently bestowed by The SCOAN on not just Ikotun-Lagos but also on the entire country.

Spiritually speaking, we shall be losing a giant intercessor, whose prayers and those of other men and women of God across all religions are helping sustain the peace and sanity of this country.

G.P. JAMES (Barrister-at-law/Clergyman, Citadel Chamers, Ajao Estate, Lagos)

Men of God are guided by the Holy Spirit, so if TB Joshua says he is led to move his church to Israel, it’s not the first time it’s happening. God said to our father Abraham, leave your home, go to a place I will show you and Abraham left his home.

As you read this article, The SCOAN has over 1,000 Nigerians as full-time employees who are not only working but solely dependent on the ministry. Some married within the church and have raised their families under the spiritual and financial shield of TB Joshua.

Then, if you talk about the captains of industries, traditional rulers, pastors of other churches, the totally helpless and so on, all come to The Synagogue to solicit help and none is ever turned away.

It is noted that in the last two years or so, TB Joshua has been the only person catering for these Libyan deportees. Besides the major publicized ones, deportees, returnees or refugees troop to The Synagogue every other day. After the group of 250 that the man of God gave N7m with 500 bags of rice, another batch of 200 came four days later and the respected man of God gave them N6m and 400 bags of rice. There are smaller numbers, some individuals, families that come very day and these do not come to public notice.

Sent to OluFamous.Com 
by Ihechukwu Njoku, a freelance journalist.


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