No Money, No Milk: Woman shares sad story of mum who just gave birth to triplets (photos)

A woman identified as Chidinma Chidoka, has taken to social media to share the story of a Nigerian lady who just welcomed triplets without proper finance to take care of them.

Chidinma who also revealed that the woman who already has five children (one boy and four girls) now has eight children with the triplet girls, urged Nigerians to help her, adding that the newborn babies are not being fed properly.

Read how she chronicled the touching story:

Someone close to me came to my house and excitedly told me his neighbors gave birth to triplets, I was so excited and requested to see the babies (yes … I know, I need to get a hold of my ovaries, I am “Samson without his hair” where babies are)

So off I went with so much excitement , dragging my friend Ukamaka along.

I was not prepared for what I met there. On arriving at the compound, I happily announced I came to tap into the “Ejima” blessing and I was ushered into this barely lit room. I narrowed my eyes as soon as I got in because I could not see any babies neither could I smell any baby powder or soap as I was accustomed to. I saw a woman sitting astride on the floor with something that looked like sticks and buckets( I honestly don’t know what she was doing) she didn’t look like a new mum.

She got up and picked up one the babies from the floor not to far from where she sat and gave me the baby, it was a baby girl. I asked after the others , they were all girls . Ukamaka carried one and we joked about how lucky the father was…..

We noticed the babies were quite little and asked how old they were…. 4 weeks old she said. Uka and I exchanged looks…. hmm…. the babies looked like a week old babies. What milk do you feed them ? We asked and she said ” I don’t give them milk, o diro fa mma na afo” …. Uka and I exchanged that look again.

So what do they eat? “Dawa” she replied. Hmmm….

So I tried to make small talk to take my mind away from the thoughts forming already in my head.

So I asked for their names, she said… “fa si na afa nke a bu Chidera …….

Me: fa si??????

This little boy walks in, he is the big brother and he named his sisters (awwww) so he introduces them to us. Then a small multitude of kids walk in, it was dark so I couldn’t tell who was who. The woman says they are all her kids…….. WHAT??? I screamed, how many? She says 5 plus triplets 8…… hmmmm. How many girls and boys? Just the 11year old who named his sisters is the boy in the family….

So against my better judgement, I ask again “where do the babies sleep?” She replies me ” right here on the floor” this spot on the bare floor is right opposite the front door.

At that point, I decided I wasn’t asking anymore questions, I was too sad and worried for those babies.

I made some more small talk and gathered up the will power to leave that house but I promised to return.

While I was sitting in that room, my mind was working at 160mph.

While I want to help this family especially the babies , I want to do something sustainable so I am still thinking.

But in the immediate term, this family needs food / nourishment. The new mum needs to eat so she can breastfeed. The babies need milk, a decent place to sleep, maybe feeding bottles, diapers etc.

Having just come out from celebrating the international day of the girl child, it broke my heart to see such a hopeless situation for the girl child.

This is not a political campaign , I am determined to help anyway I can but I need help. Please anyone that feels like they want to do anything not necessarily money please reach me privately.

Those baby girls especially need nourishment if they will thrive, at least if their mum feeds well, she can breastfeed.

The family did not ask for help neither did they even say they were hungry, this is my independent observation. Blessings!


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