Although it won’t bring her back, we have good news about a man involved in the shooting who has now been charged with murder.
18-year-old Tyhan Brown was arrested and taken into custody by U.S. Marshals in Clarksville, Tennessee Friday morning and is being kept on a fugitive murder warrant, according to WPVI.
Chief Scott Thomson spoke at a news conference on behalf of the case’s progress, but failed to acknowledge Tyhan’s exact role in the shooting, so it’s unknown whether it was him who pulled the trigger that ended Gabrielle’s life. That being said, Chief Scott did make an assuring statement that more arrests are underway.
“We have an interest in holding every person responsible for the acts that led up to that night and thereafter,” he said.
In the meantime, Camden investigators are en route to Tennessee to get the extradition prose off the ground.
Tyhan’s mother and girlfriend were both charged on behalf of the murder. His girlfriend, 19-year-old Natasha Gerald was charged with one count third-degree hindering the investigation. She is facing up to five years. In addition, his mother, 35-year-old Shakia Landwas charged with one count fourth-degree hindering an investigation. She’s looking at 18-months behind bars.
Justice for Gabrielle!
Source: WPVI