Eye Test Day sponsored by Big Church Foundation

“Operation Fix Your Eye Sight“… held Thursday 8th December 2016  at the millennium park to continue our planned humanitarian projects for the United Nations World Day.
Big Church Foundation sponsored Free Eye Tests, Handing out free corrective glasses, eye drops and Cataract test for about 400 people which includes the aged and youths living with poor sight conditions and even partial blindness.
The Foundation is set to help so many people regain his or sight and prevent blindness by offering follow up free eye surgeries for 50 people which is the highest that a foundation has single handedly sponsored in the history of the Lions Club for those who would require further treatments.
Big Church Foundation partnered with Lions Club International to bring its free eye charity services to Abuja.
Dr Olakunle Churchill holds a very high position as One of the few Lions Club International members with a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow Award and a Life Membership in the World as stated by the Lions Club International Chairman in the person of Chief Paul Muotolum. He’s dedication to service of humanity is applaudable as United Nations Goodwill Ambassador and a member of the prestigious Lions Club International.
More photos from the event, below…

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