Exclusive: ‘I will beat my sister if she sleeps in a man’s house & comes back to tell me she was raped’ – Comedian behind controversial rape ‘skit’ insists

On Monday, an upcoming Nigerian Comedian named Baba De Baba was under fire for releasing a distasteful comedy skit promoting rape. According to him,  "If I want a girl that will sleep in my house and I will spend money on her, I will invite my sister. If you can't sleep with a man, don't go to his house." (Readhere)

After Nigerians lashed out at him, he took down the video and apologized. LIB reached out to the comedian and he revealed how the skit was inspired by an alleged case of rape, how he was also raped by a lady last year and how he will physically beat his sisters if they tell him they got raped after sleeping in a man's house. Read after the cut...

LIB: How did you come up with the rape 'skit'?

Babadebaba: The rape skit was not actually meant to promote rape. The idea came when I heard of a girl who arrested a guy she met on Facebook after he invited her to Ibadan. She stayed in his place for a week, the guy spent so much on her, treated her nicely but on the last night she refused him his advances, she totally denied him from even touching her. The next morning, when she was about leaving, the guy still gave her money for transport, yet the girl still had the mind to report to the police that the guy was trying to rape her.

The guy was then charged with attempted rape. The policemen that were gisting about it even claimed that the alleged rape incident made no sense, that for you to have invited a girl over through Social Media, you didn’t invite her to come and preach, they must have discussed relationship, love... then after coming and spending so much on her and she didn’t allow you sleep with her, it’s not rape.

When I asked the policemen that since it wasn't rape, why didn't they discharge him, they replied that when you just mention rape, nobody wants to hear anything because rape is a very sensitive case, that is why girls are taking advantage of it, they dupe guys in a way which I have themed ‘Sexual Fraud’.

You go to a guy’s house, you collect all his money and you don’t want him to touch you and you accuse him of rape and threaten him with police arrest. Nobody wants to hear any other thing when rape is involved.

Because of this issue, I took it upon myself to address it because many ladies now intentionally visit guys and dupe them. Before, when a girl goes to your house you know she will get down but now a girl will say ‘I will go to a guy’s house, them no born am well make him touch me, I go tell police’. Now, that is fraud.

We need to discuss it. Our women organizations also go about fighting people all in the name of talking about rape. As far as I’m concerned those women are promoting waywardness. They don’t talk about good morals, all they say is if a girl sleeps in your house nko, how can one call herself a born again and go to sleep in a man’s house naked and expect him not to touch her? Common you have to avoid problems. Even the police officer will tell you for security reasons don’t expose your belongings. Now these NGOs should be telling girls if you don’t want to get raped don’t visit a guy, don’t sleep in his house, no matter how nice the guy is to you.

What I'm fighting now, is that the rape case is in the news every day. We have an increase of rape cases in the country. In my own view I didn’t discuss about paedophiles, that’s those who sleep with small children, I didn’t discuss that, I didn’t discuss when you are raped at gunpoint, I didn’t discuss about when someone is walking in the bush and was forcefully raped, I discussed about two adults that agreed to pass night, people should judge me from the context of the skit not telling me rape in general. Please I don’t want to hear rape in general.

I did the skit about an adult who met another adult on social media, if the girl was a responsible girl, she will stay in her father’s house, she will not go. People on Instagram were now telling me, what of if someone rapes my sister? In the context of my skit, my sisters can’t go and sleep in a man’s house for five days, they have home training and even if they do, they have agreed to do something. If my sister tells me she went to sleep in a man’s house I will beat her, let alone she now comes back and say she was raped, I will still beat her.

Even mother who was a teacher will beat me even if I wasn’t at fault, that’s the kind of training all these women NGOs should be talking about. Most of all these women NGOs, all these leaders or nonsense that they call themselves that they are doing, most of them are wayward women, women who are from broken homes, who have divorced their husbands and they are now projecting their useless idea.

They saw a skit of a girl going to sleep in a man’s house for five days, you are not talking about she sleeping in a man’s house for five days, they are not even talking about that, all they are saying is the rape issue because they want to use rape to get attention.

I have sent my message across, I’m not projecting rape, I have never raped before, nobody has accused me of rape, I only did a skit on sexual fraud. That is why I said if you cannot sleep with a man don’t go to his place.

When asked whether he knows what it's like to be raped, Babadebaba replied: "Yes, I have been raped. It was in 2016, a friend visited me at my place, although I never for once got attracted to her, and we were just normal friends. She comes to the house whenever she wants to.

"I don’t allow her to spend the night at my place, but on that faithful day, she came to cook for me as a friend, she slept over and raped me. I was sleeping when she came up on me and held me. I have never heard of it that a man can be raped not until that day, I almost died that day but at the end I told her to calm down, that let me do it the right way. If she was a bad girl, she would have turned it against me that I raped her."

Asked if he has been threatened with police arrest ever since the rape skit went up? Babadebaba said:  "I have got a lot of threat calls from several people but some politicians told me nobody can arrest me that they got the message I was sending through my skit.

"Police cannot arrest me because it's not a Nigerian police skit, I didn’t use the Nigerian police uniform, I only used a cap. When I wrote the story, I knew what I was doing and I knew people will take offense. Police cannot arrest me on a skit that is not on Nigerian platform, I wrote to so many platforms, pleaded with some bloggers, they failed to take it, some that agreed even said I will pay them because its publicity for me, I didn’t pay them but out of annoyance I posted it on Facebook and the women NGOs blew it by raising an alarm that I was promoting rape in Nigeria.

"Before I deleted the skit, I had about six hundred views (600), while some blog that carried it had about fourteen thousand views (14,000), while another I saw was over fifty views.

"If those NGOs were professionals, they would have sent me a personal message, instructing me to put down the video. Do you know that till today, nobody has sent me a message? They only went about tweeting it that one comedian did this rubbish skit and they now want to arrest me. It was actually one woman that pleaded with me on Facebook to put it down, she agreed that she already got the message I was sending, but that people have been attacking me from all angles. I wouldn’t put it down have if not for her."

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