Photos: Here’s what a Lailasblog reader saw while counting money

An ardent lailasblog reader has written to us, disclosing what she found while her counting her money. “Free Nnamdi Kanu, Free Biafra”, was boldly written on the N1000 note. The lady also begged the Federal Government to pass a law, that will stop naira users, from writing on our currencies.

Here’s what she sent in;

“Good evening ma’am, how is work and family? I’m sure you are doing great. This is from grace your ardent blog reader. Pls kindly help me post this, I know CBN governor and other senates members reads your blog. I was counting money this evening and this is what I found out.  Why are Nigerians like this biko why?

I beg the CBN governor and senates please put it in to law not to collect any money that has been written on with that this nonsense of writing on money will stop in nigeria. God bless you ma, pardon any typo error pls.”
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Image may contain: 1 person

