Olu Famous Shares His True Life Story

My dear brothers and sisters,
It is with a spirit overwhelmed with gratitude, a heart filled with joy unspeakable that I write this turning point note to you my readers and the general public. The Ancient of Days and The King of all kings who created the Heavens, the Earth and the fullness thereof has CALLED me to leave everything I was doing to become His servant with a POWERFUL mandate to liberate His children from Limitations, Teach them how to bring their Ideas and Creative Senses to life and Anoint them with the power to prosper and live a fulfilled life.

It has been confirmed by servants of God that He has given me a special mandate, and I have been in His presence for days, leading to today, before making myself known officially.

How did I get here
I resigned from my job, relocated to Lagos from Abuja in May 2013 to start my business full time as a Blogger and media consultant. I enjoyed rapid growth; by November 2013 OluFamous.Com was already one of the top 100 most visited sites in Nigeria. By January 2014 I had bought another car (Matrix), bought a land and my blog was ranking among top 74/75. Life was getting better, just the way I had thought it out before resigning from my job in Shell.

Then one day, late February 2014 (the day I started building my house), I met a lady who I thought would be the wife of my dreams. Unfortunately, meeting her turned out to be the biggest UPSET I had ever experienced. Let me just say in the last 3 years – February 2014 to February 2017 – I walked through the valley of the shadow of death all because of a woman, but the Lord in His infinite mercies kept me. Things got so bad that I went to over 7 pastors at different times in Lagos, Nigeria, seeking for a solution to the troubles that came into my life because of marriage.

What happened? I got into a bad marriage through spiritual manipulation. Initially, I thought the manipulations were just because “my wife” has a bad character, which made me drove her away from my house several times during courtship. But then her mother would call me and say I shouldn’t worry she’s working on her daughter, and that she would change. Sadly, it was much later that I got to know that the manipulations are of demonic proportions.

Don’t take my words lightly, I had one of the worst marital experience you could imagine. The lady I married PARKED OUT of my house just 7 days after wedding. We got married in church on Saturday March 7, 2015, by the next Saturday we had an argument over her character, I went out and when I returned she was gone. “My wife” parked her load, locked my door, threw the key I gave her into the house from the window and returned to her mother.

That day marked the beginning of troubles. This is because I was WARNED by at least 3 pastors​ not to marry “my wife”. In fact one of them had told me that “There is a demonic force using that lady. If you make the mistake to marry her because of love, just know that you are granting access to demons to come in and disorganize your good life”. Another pastor told me that she would return to those who sent her into my life before a month if I go on with the marriage, that she has not been released for marriage and that I was walking into a wicked spiritual trap. Really!?

Surprisingly, my then pastor didn’t give much attention to the warnings after I told him what was going on. In fact, his wife told me that she doesn’t like hearing such things. Hmmmm!

But come o, Olu Famous, why did you go ahead with the marriage despite all the said warnings?

Truth is, whenever I was alone, my heart would be ‘shaking’ like I was going to die if the marriage doesn’t hold. When I go for prayers it would stop, in less than 24 hours it would return again. Also, she was pregnant (under controversial circumstances), this happened 5 months after our traditional introduction and I never wanted to have a child out of wedlock. So, I told the pastors who warned me that “God is seeing my heart”, I knew something was wrong but if the marriage was called off there would most likely be an abortion, my child would be killed behind my back. My parents also called and gave me same WARNING from their pastor in Ekiti. But I went ahead with the marriage – to save my HEART from exploding, to save my unborn child (a boy) and to honour my desire not to have a child out of wedlock.

I wished I had met a man of God with higher anointing back then, who would have been able to destroy the ‘powers’ that were being used to manipulate my HEART. I trust the Power of God and I know that even if a man gets married to the daughter of the head of demons in a particular area, she could be delivered by a man of God with higher anointing.

Anyway, days after she moved out of my house, I pardoned her misguided action and allowed her return to my house. Sadly, from that point the marriage turned my life into a night mare, which took me 3 years to overcome with the help of the God that rules in the affairs of men.

Because of this mess I sold my house, a house I built with 2 giant sitting-rooms in Lagos, at a give away price and I couldn’t even give account of the money. I moved into 7 different houses within a space of 2 Years, paying expensive rents, agency fees, etc. around Lagos, all in a bid to go away from “my wife” and her mother. But no way. The manipulation was strong!

I almost abandoned my business, seeking solution. Most times that I didn’t post enough news in the course of the day back then, I was in a church for prayers. Only few persons knew what I went through. I come on my blog to advise couples to live happily; while I was going through a life-threatening marital crises. It was God who kept me and will continue to keep me.

But guess what? 
In the midst of all these “my wife” was busy looking for men to sleep with and collect money from, she even told one of her ex-boyfriends (less than 3 months after giving birth to our son) that he should send her the money he promised her, and she would drop our son with her mother and follow him to wherever. That is the kind of promiscuous lady I was desperately manipulated to marry. Please note that this is not an allegation, I saw these messages with my eyes on her phone and I even communicated with the foolish man (he works in Eko Hotel) who was eager to sleep with a married lady who just gave birth to our son of about 2 months and 2 weeks old. Out of shame he cut the call and I just ignored him. “My wife” chats with all kinds of men, talking about private parts and all sorts without any self-respect as a woman. Acts that a decent single lady wouldn’t get herself into, “my wife” does them without any shame.

Sometimes she stayed in my house only few weeks; it’s either I send her back to her mother’s house because of her bad character and her refusal to submit herself for Deliverance in order to destroy the demon controlling her or due to the nasty messages she exchanges with men.

So one day, I met a pastor who prayed for me and said he would help me to see that I do not have a wife. He said no matter “my wife’s” bad attitude, I shouldn’t take her to her mother’s house, I should live with her happily, that I would see that I’ve been taking her to her mother’s house under an influence. He told me that if I refuse to drive her away after a while, the demon she’s “spiritually married to” would drag her by itself to where she’s needed. Hmmmm!

I listened and for four weeks I kept tolerating her, but by the 5th week, to my surprise, she escaped from my house without any notice, I called her as many times as possible she refused to pick my calls. I called her mother at night that I was going to make a police report for a Missing Person because I’ve not seen “my wife” and my son, she said I should not go to police that she would find her daughter. Later she called me that her daughter was in the hospital and that I should relax “no problem”. Which hospital? “Don’t worry, no problem”. I smiled! Three days later, after I discovered that “my wife” was never admitted at the hospital she claimed to have been admitted, her mother told me casually that she was in her house, she just wanted to rest.

Can you beat that? True life story!

But I kept my focus on God because I was WARNED clearly that all these would happen.

I was on the move every other week, trying to break myself free from this mess, in the process also trying to not have a completely broken marriage, trying to be a father to my son, and trying to keep my business afloat so I don’t go broke. My life was crumbling to the extent that “my wife” talked down at me, saying ‘go and look at your contemporaries… nothing good can come out of you.’ I knew it was the demon inside her that was speaking, so kept believing God for an end to the saga. The pastors I met had assured me that the Lord would see me through.

Olu Famous was insulted, disrespected​, mocked, you name it; all because of a phony marriage. God is my witness, February 2014 when I met “my wife” to February 2017 when I finally left Lagos and relocated to Abuja, were the worst period of my adult life. It was that bad!

But why did all these nonsense happen? What is the foundation? What is their end goal?
Friends, what you’ve  read is only 15 percent of my story. I will reveal everything about the hidden secrets and bitter truths and how God eventually delivered me in my book as a pastor.

In fact, the reason I shared the little I did today is because my eyes have opened to the REALITY that it was the 3-year period of my marital battles, meeting pastors, seeking Divine Intervention that the ever Merciful God used to be preparing me for this Big assignment He has entrusted me with. I now understand things of the Bible and the Holy Spirit from so many perspectives because I was always with one pastor or the other in the last 3 years.

So when a lady who runs a food company in Abuja took me to a man of God, who told me to look beyond all I went through in Lagos, that God has a special assignment for me, it wasn’t hard for me to accept Divine Call. Also, as a Certified Trainer – I’ve taught people in Shell both Lagos and Abuja offices, a top hotel as well as a Redeem church branch – I know I can do this.

But I needed confirmation of the CALL of God on my life, because when I go in it must be with my all. To this end, I surrendered everything I had to God, and within 10 days I got a confirmation from another servant of God and in less that 24 hours the Lord also gave me a clear revelation. At that juncture, I just told myself that I have no choice; I must serve the owner of my life.

So here I am today; a man with a life-threatening past, whose marriage collapsed in the very first week, whose marriage is over 90% failed as of this moment, a man who lost Millions and a complete house, I am the one who the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has decided to use.

What have I done to deserve this? The Most Important Assignment in the world for Olu Famous who they said can’t be anything? God’s ways are, indeed, not the ways of men. I now agree with a man of God who told me weeks before I left Lagos to Abuja that there’s something special about me and the Lord is preparing me for it. His glory is upon me and His grace is sufficient!

The CALL To Serve:
I shed tears when the CALL of God for my life was finally confirmed. One of the reasons is, I love promoting the Supremacy of God even on my blog. Another is, I just cracked a Multi Million Naira idea which was about to start with a Senator and a respected Doctor (PhD) as partners. My IT friend based in UK described the idea as “wonderful”, the Doctor described it as “Quiet Impressive”. I had contacted a friend, one of the best IT guys in Lagos for important details. But the next thing, the Lord halted me; ‘Olu Famous my child, I have an assignment for you’. I obviously do not have a choice, so I accepted; ‘I am ready, Lord. Use me for Your Glory’.

The Mandate:
The Lord said many of His children are not happy today, many Christians are living in poverty and struggling with battles of life. Some are even jealous of people showing off questionable riches. We live in a generation where people are moved by what they see.

Interestingly​, the Lord said I should not serve under my pastor or any pastor. The King of kings said He has a SPECIFIC mandate for me. I should go to a place (which He has revealed) and set up a church with an assurance that He, the God of Harvest, has empowered and mandated me to Teach, to Liberate and to Anoint His children with the POWER TO PROSPER.

Yes, this is a big task. But as the Lord Liveth and His Spirit is alive, I will do it with everything I’ve got because the God of Elijah showed me a sign that He has indeed blessed me with the Unction to Function as His true servant. God cannot fail!

My Apologies:
It’s not easy becoming a pastor, especially for someone like Olu Famous who has been all out in the media, making friends and few unnecessary enemies. So, I use this opportunity to plead with anyone I have offended in anyway to forgive and forget. I’m human and can make mistakes. All those I had issues with on social media maybe due to something I said or posted in the past that offended you in one way or the other, I mean no harm. Please forgive and forget.

I Forgive You:
There are some persons that hurt me too, some mildly and others badly, but as a servant of God I won’t mention your names because I’ve forgiven you even before today. So feel free to reach out to me whenever necessary. I love you all, I bear no grudge against anyone.

My Pledge:
As a servant of God with the anointing and mandate to Teach, Liberate and Empower to Prosper, I didn’t call myself into ministry, I dedicate myself to changing the circumstances and situations of as many as would come in contact with me.

The Lord has deposited an ocean of wisdom inside me, He has assured me that His glory is upon me, His prophets have confirmed it multiple times and I have seen the signs myself. Anyone I minister to will begin to experience the supernatural release of God’s Goodness and Mercy.

Hear this; Your enemies must not die before you can be successful. The witches and strongmen in your mother’s house and your father’s house must not be buried before you can enjoy God’s Blessings. For the Lord will set a table before you in the presence of your enemies. That means, whether your enemies are still living or dead, by the Power of God upon the life of Pastor Olu Famous, your true Destiny must MANIFEST when you encounter the anointing He has given me.

I won’t let God down and I will serve you all, His children, through Christ who strengthens me.

The Lord said this church will not start under a Mango tree, it is an empowerment Church that will start richly. I’ve already gone to the location the Lord directed me to in Abuja, I saw a fantastic hall with functioning ACs and very comfortable.

I don’t need to scare you with the price because the Lord told me that He would provide all that is needed through His children. For a start, the Special Empowerment and Anointing Service will be holding on Saturdays​ pending when we’ll start Sunday and Weekly activities.

If the Lord puts it in your heart to contribute to the start of His house (the name of the church is – LIVING SEED CHURCH. aka House of Harvest), send your donations to my account details below. Any amount that comes from you will be greatly appreciated.

Account Details:
Olu Famous

We hope to have the First Saturday Empowerment & Anointing Service in the next few weeks. For as many as pay into the account, I will go on my knees to ask God to turn your money (Seed) into a good reward (Harvest) for your life and all that you hold dear.

The Lord bless you and cause His light to shine through in your life, in Jesus mighty name. Amen!

Pastor Olu Famous


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