“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18, HCSB).
Even though I have so many wonderful memories during the holiday season, this time of year also holds some painful memories of experiencing the bitterness of death and loss.
Pain and suffering not something any of us look forward to, but while we live here in this fallen and broken world, it is inevitable. It is so easy to get caught up in the storms of our life and lose sight of the hope that is available to us through Jesus Christ. He is the anchor in that storm and promises to never abandon us. The suffering may not disappear, but the good news is that Jesus is right there with us to walk through it together. In the midst of the pain, the temptation is to give all of our focus on the battle we may be facing. I believe it is so important for us to keep a heavenly and eternal perspective when we are in the midst of a painful situation or even a painful season. We have to remember that our life here on earth is not all that there is to our existence.
There is a life to come where we are promised no more pain or suffering when we see Jesus face to face and when He returns in all of His glory. This is the glory that Paul tells us about in Romans 8:12. We will experience God’s glory in all of its fullness one day and what a glorious day that will be! Let us hold fast to that hope of eternal life that awaits us, free of all pain and suffering!
Whatever you are facing has an expiration date.
You won’t have to live with that pain forever; it cannot overtake you, unless you let it. So take heart!
The suffering you are experiencing cannot stand against God’s glory. Let us keep our minds fixed on heaven and fixed on Jesus Christ our Savior, in the midst of our storm. Sadness and grief will come, sometimes like a tidal wave, but you have an anchor of glorious hope and His name is Jesus!
Father, help us to see this life with eternal lenses and embrace the promises of everlasting life with Christ. Help us through our times of pain and suffering as we hold onto the hope we find in Jesus. We will continue to hide ourselves in Christ until we take our last breath here on this earth or until Jesus returns in His glory.
[written by Emily Massey]