How To Build Your Talent or Career To Make Money

4 Bullets For Effective Monetization of Your Talent Career; by Johnspeak Uwangue 

Believe me if I tell you that the sole reason why most African parents send their kids to school is so that they can become big men and women with plenty cash. I shy away from talent monetization simply because before money starts flowing in, there are things that needs to be in place.

But most talented people are so in haste to reap the fruits of their labours that they end up reaping unripe fruits.

I want to share with you just four bullets that you need to shoot in order for money to start flowing in.

– Be Good  
In whatever you do please and please make sure you have developed yourself to a certain level before promoting yourself or talents/products. People pay for things more when those things were recommended to them by someone else and the simple truth Is no matter how well packaged you are, if you are not good, no one will recommend you. I know of a comedian who doesn’t spend money on promoting himself but the money he gets on a monthly basis even most of the so called popular comedians can’t boast of it. Why? The guy is just so goooooood.

– Good Packaging 
To be good is good but that isn’t enough. People are more attracted to the packaging of a product before deciding whether to pay for it or not. How you package your talents will determine how much will be paid for them. If you package your talent(s) cheaply, people will bargain with you as if they are pricing to buy crayfish.

– Let The World Know That You Are In It For The Money
You need to let everyone that cares to listen know that you are in it for the money from the onset otherwise, they will expect you to do free stuff. It’s sad when people expect you to do free stuff but these same people will pay heavily on someone else who does the same thing with you. You should be the one to decide when to do free stuff not someone else. Most people are sometimes surprised when some talented people ask them to pay for services rendered why? Because they thought they are doing it as an hobby. People need to know that this is your job and not just an hobby.

– Build A Very Viable Brand
A good brand cannot be unnoticed. A brand is not just a name, it’s an identity, it carries the DNA of what you do. Brands give people bragging rights. Nowadays, people don’t just buy products or pay for services, they pay for brands. For example, which would you prefer to wear; a made in Aba wear or a Gucci or Louis Vulton wear. Even if an Aba company produces quality wears most people will still dish it for a brand. 

The wisdom of a poor man is not always regarded. Not because he’s poor but because he lacks the aforementioned.

Johnspeak Uwangue is a Motivational Speaker, Talent Manager and Coach.


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