Young Lady Sent Away From School For Not Wearing A Bra

Some Nigerians think it’s only in Nigeria that “morality” is taken seriously. Forget what you have been seeing in movies or with the Kardashians, many whites take morality serious.

Miss Juvik, a high school student from Montana caused a frenzy as she was sent home for wearing no bra underneath a black t-shirt. She was punished with a dress code violation which left her seething and ready to fight for justice.

Helena High School sent her home for her inappropriate attire after another student complained that the way she was dressed made them feel uncomfortable.
Funny enough, Juvik says she will fight the way girls are allowed to dress at school.
She took to social media to rant; “What I was confronted about was wrong… As long as nothing is showing and you’re covered up, girls should not have to wear a bra.”
Also, Juvik’s mother is in support of her; 
“I stand behind my daughter 100%! I am very proud of the point she is trying to make and the movement that she and her friends have created.”


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