It’s amazing to look back even 10 years ago and see how many things have completely changed, while other things are exactly the same.

Around 10 years ago, I got my first cell phone. And what could I do with it? Call people. Now my phone is smarter than I am. It tells me when to wake up. It tells me how much food I can and should eat. It even reminds me to read my Bible, like it’s a better Christian than I am.

Can God change me? And you?

The answer: YES!

The moment we start following Jesus sincerely, every part of us changes;

  • Our words.
  • Our actions.
  • Our thoughts.
  • Desires.
  • Priorities.
  • Attitude.
  • Our relationships.
  • Our life as a whole.

We are no longer the same. God changes us.

Now this might sound like a cute thought — that we’re changed by God — but how does it actually happen? Maybe you’ve wanted to change and you’ve tried to change. You’ve asked God to change you but it still seems like you’re the exact same person.

So when it comes to being changed by God, here are truths to remember:

The more we grow in our love and relationship with Jesus, and the closer we get to Him, the more He will begin to change us from the inside out.

Instead of being bitter, we’ll begin to extend grace.
Instead of doing what we want, we’ll begin to follow Jesus and His ways.

Instead of being critical and easily offended about everything, our life will be filled with His joy and His peace.

We’ll just begin to want more and more of God in our life, and because of it our life will begin to change for the better.

[written by Adam Weber]


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