Operation Awatse: Air Force advices the residents around Arepo not to panic

The Nigerian Military on the 28th of July, commenced the aerial bombardment of Fatola, the hideout of militants and pipeline vandals in the Arepo area of Ogun State and successfuly displaced suspected militants and vandals. 
In a statement released today, NAF has urged members of the public living around the area of ongoing air operations at AREPO and its environs, not to panic and to go about their legitimate businesses. The statement read,

The attention of the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has been drawn to media report on apprehension and panic by members of the public living around the area of ongoing air operations at AREPO and its environs. Thus, it has become necessary to allay the fear of the people with a view to sustaining public confidence and support for the ongoing operations against pipeline-vandals codenamed OPERATION AWATSE in the South West region of the Country. Therefore, the NAF wishes to assure the general public, within the affected areas, of their safety as the ongoing air operation is carefully planned to avoid collateral damage to the civil populace and property.
The NAF is careful to ensure that only legitimate targets, such as observation post, anti-aircraft gun position, boats laden with suspected stolen petroleum products and armed combatants, are selected for strike. In aligning with this global best practice, the NAF usually undertakes surveillance flights before and after each strike to mitigate incidental harm to civilians and property. While pre-strike assessment missions are undertaken to help identify and select legitimate military targets for neutralisation, post-strike or Battle Damage Assessment missions are meant to ascertain whether the desired degre

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