Top Hollywood actor Will Smith has criticized Presidential hopeful
Donald Trump over history of misogynistic comments especially one
where he called a woman 'a fat pig' and says the Billionaire's
remarks reflect 'darkness' of his soul'.
"For a man to be able to publicly refer to a woman as a fat pig, that
makes me teary," Smith in an interview posted Tuesday.
"And for people to applaud, that is absolutely f---ing insanity to
me," he added. "It's absolutely collective insanity."
Smith also said he would throw out any of his sons if any of them uses the
kind of offensive language Donald Trump uses.
"If one of my sons — I am getting furious just thinking about it — if
one of my sons said that in a public place, they couldn't even live in
my house anymore,"
The former "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" acknowledged there was a lengthy
list of offensive comments Trump has made, but his views on women were
"such an absolute illustration of a darkness of his soul."
“For me, deep down in my heart, I believe that America won’t and we
can’t (elect Mr Trump). Of all the things he has said, and we could go
through the laundry list, that was the one that was such an absolute
illustration of a darkness of his soul. I just cannot figure out how
people can clap for that.”
Some of the recipients of Trump’s vitriol include Rosie O’Donnell,
Arianna Huffington and Bette Midler.
“I think as much as we want to believe that love is the greatest human
motivator, it’s not. Fear is. Fear is the most dangerous and powerful
motivator because when a human being gets scared, fight or flight
kicks in. And there is this really separatist non-inclusive xenophobic, racist
wave that is sweeping the globe that is making us pull apart farther
than putting us together. The importance of leaders is that they have to be level headed, they
have to be calm, because when people get scared, they lose their
morality and that reptile mind takes over. It’s the type of thing that
you see in all forms of nature, but our leaders can’t be that.”
Clearly enraged, he continues.
“So, we are not even going to pretend it is going to happen. I have
faith in America. America has had really critical times but the good
(people) tend to make their way to the top.”