Man recounts how his car became a stall to sellers in Ladipo Market in 15mins

An Instagram user, @omozokpia1, has taken to the social media platform, to disclose how his car , became a stall where sellers displayed their wares in Ladipo Market, Lagos, just 15minutes after parking his car in the market.

Image may contain: one or more people, car and outdoor
Here’s what he wrote;

“So I went to ladipo spare parts market the other day to fix a car. I packed outside the market. Walked into the market and returned in less than 15mins to see this.

My car has been turned into a mobile shoe boutique. I walked up to them and told them to pack their stuff. One looked at me and said “na u get motor? U wan commot?
” I politely answered “yes”. It took them another 5mins to pack their shoes. #lagos #hustle #mobileboutique #nofoodforlazyman”
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