This Christmas, Give What Matters

While giving gifts is a nice way to honor those you love, perhaps there are even better ways to honor the birth of our Savior.

Let’s be honest here. Most of us already have our needs met, along with a whole lot of wants. So is giving an associate another box of handkerchiefs really a smart way to spend? Instead of giving to those who already have, why not invest your money in those who could really use your help?

Give to a church that cares for the needy or a charity and you could feed people who really need it this period.

Psalm 146:9 reminds us that the Lord “cares for the orphans and widows.” This Christmas and all year long, we have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the helpless and hopeless. What better time than now to start a family tradition of giving rather than receiving? And make sure your giving includes your time as well as your money.

[written by Judy Woodward Bates]

