As a pastor, I often tell people that if someone cheat you or shatter your plans; make no mistake about it, the Lord can give you something better, if only you can look beyond the mess of that moment.
The same testimony has played out in the life of popular comedian AY. Following his successes over the years, he took to his page to thank the person who duped him when he wanted to travel to London far back in 2002 at all cost. Read what he shared:
“Once upon a time all I wanted to do is come to this land (London) to hustle at any level. Then I got duped by a certain individual who prevented me from coming here in 2002.
“When I look at the way I kinda tour the world today, all I want to do is say thank you to the dupe #youarethebest”
Because he was duped, he had to stay back in Nigeria and hustle. Today he’s far better for it. Life!