Girlfriend Drives Rich Lover’s Car Into Pool For Dumping Her

Wetin cash dey cause. Jilted girlfriend of a Wall Street banker stunned him with an ultimate revenge by driving his 2017 Mercedes S400 into a backyard pool after he ended their relationship

Russian-born model Kristina Kuchma, 24, was pissed at her ex-lover, business executive Guy Gentile who promised to finance her business, for dumping her during a dinner out near his Bahamas home.

The model had wanted to start a marketing business and hoped he would help fund it.

NY Post reports that Kuchma texted her ex in broken English on Saturday night after the dirty deed.

She wrote: “Lier!” ‘You told me you will help me to start a business! That were your words! Now you want to be an investor. Well investor I have a surprise for you on a backyard, start with that investment idea first.”

Gentile, 41, came home to find his Mercedes S400 parked inside the pool.

According to him, ‘My heart dropped because of [fears she was inside]. I didn’t care about the car at that moment,’ he said.

‘But after I realized she wasn’t in it, then I start to get pissed off that she would pull something like this after everything I’ve done for her. I dumped her. She dumped my car.’

Gentile, who runs a brokerage, said their last dinner together was supposed to be a casual one with a friend until she dropped a bomb on him. “She looks at me and says, I have something to tell you,” he said. “I’m pregnant.”

He agreed to support the kid, only for the model to change her tune, saying: “I’m not pregnant with a kid, I’m pregnant with an idea,” she told Gentile.

He decided then to end their year-and-a-half-long relationship.

“I said, ‘You know what? You got the wrong guy. If you want a guy who’s going to hand you money for nothing, you got the wrong guy’,” he said.

He added, “I really loved this girl and would have married her,” he said, “but she went too far!”


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