Sometimes providence will smile someone, considering how much the ‘enemies’ has disturbed them.
The life of the man pictured above has been transformed after he found a missing lottery ticket worth as much as 24 Million Dollars in his old shirt about 48 hours to the deadline.
The New Jersey man finally claimed the $24million lottery jackpot with smiles on his face.
“I ended up with a stack; a pile of tickets, including the one they were talking about on the news,” explained the father-of-two.
The man, who’s also a grandfather, said he couldn’t believe his lottery win, adding: “I stood there for a minute thinking, ‘Do I see what I think I see?’
“I had to stick my head out the window and breathe in some fresh air. I was in serious doubt. I really had to convince myself this was real.”
Mr Smith said he took some time “to clear out some cobwebs” before going to the New York Lottery’s customer service centre to claim his prize money.
He has been playing lottery for more than 50 years, but admits he always forgets to check his tickets, which is to say he’s not really a lottery person – he got lucky.
“I always told myself, ‘I’ll check them when I have the time’,” he says.
So what will he spend the money on?