Members of Salvation Ministry Buy Private Jet for Pastor?

According to a post trending on social media, someone is complaining bitter that Salvation Ministry has joined the league of some Nigerian churches with schools too expensive for many members to send their kids and now a private jet for their general overseer – Pastor David Ibiyeomie.

Well, as a Pastor, here’s what I have to say…

If some wealthy members of a church believe the pastor’s prayers has helped them in their lives and their successes, and decide to appreciate him with a private jet, there’s nothing wrong.

Jesus used boats in his days because that was the mode of transportation from town to town. Also, you can’t use the ministry of Christ to compare that of a pastor; Christ came for a specific purpose.

Where I have problem is the schools built by churches, those are not contributions of a few individuals who are wealthy, but the church’s money through tithe and offerings.

The whites came to our country and built free schools for us and most Pastors today attended then, so I believe our churches today should be able to build schools and admit students at a very affordable rate, and continue to use money realized from the church services to subsidize the schools.

Judgement will start in church. I pray the Lord help us all to live right; both those criticising pastors but are living in dirty sins themselves, as well as the pastors being criticized.

We all need God’s grace to live according to His will!


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