Nigerian Army Ends Operation Python Dance In South-East

Nigerian Army has declared that it has ended it’s operation in Southeast. General Officer Commanding (GOC), 82 Division Nigerian Army, Major General Adamu Baba Abubakar, speaking on behalf of the Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General TY Buratai, formally declare the end of Exercise EGWU EKE 11.

​The ceremony took place ​Saturday night ​in Sector 1 Tactical Headquarters at Umuahia, Abia State​, ​with the traditional activation of camp fire to formally signify the successful completion of the exercise.

This was confirmed in a statement by Col. Sagir Musa, deputy director public pelations 82 Division.

​The statement said Gen. Abubakar commended all the officers, soldiers and personnel of paramilitary organizations that collaborated​,​ synergized​ and​ work​e​d commendably throughout the one month period for the ​e​xercise.

He ​said ​the achievements recorded in the areas of attainment of the mission specific training objectives, improvement in peace and security, curtailing the menace of violent irredentist groups in the theatre of the ​e​xercise is remarkable​​.


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