A Facebook celebrity who allegedly hides under the cover of trying to help the less privileged has been exposed after he reportedly duped two women of N11 million.
A Nigerian writer, Remi Adeoye II, made the shocking allegation against “celebrity” Mike Ile.
When I made Part 1 of this update yesterday about two women who were duped of eleven million Naira, I did so because the circumstances warranted it. This morning, the man concerned has made a live broadcast to explain his side of the story. I watched his broadcast from the beginning and for about twenty minutes until I lost connection because I was in transit.
While the broadcast was on i heard him shout on someone who commented that he should address the allegations and stop beating about the bush. He replied that the man should get off his wall as he was not there to entertain anyone. Well he completed the broadcast and I saw a comment from someone who watched the broadcast from beginning to the end who said he admitted collecting money from the women and told him to just pay back and stop the sob stories.
Some of you have testified to the fact that I am not a frivolous person. I did not envisage a to-and-fro posts on this issue but this update is necessary to address some of the claims he made in the video. I have already confessed that I did not watch it to the end so I will only respond to the claims I heard with my ears. Those who watched it to the end can bring up other issues that I may not address in the comment section and I will respond to them. But let me warn that unlike yesterday when I tolerated all sorts of stupid comments from people who were trying to shield a crime suspect, i will not give such latitude today. Anyone who insults any commentator on my thread will be axed.
First, he said I did not ask him a single question despite the fact that he interacted with me twice within the past one week before accusing him of fraud. That is true. First when we interacted I had not received the complaints which came in day before yesterday and yesterday from two separate individuals. Second, if you want to question a crime suspect, you must first administer the word of caution and read him his rights. He must sign a document that you did so before anything he says can be admissible in evidence. I have never met Mike in my life. We only interact online. So it was not possible to administer that word of caution and had him sign it. As such asking him confidentially to respond to criminal allegations violates his rights and prejudices the real investigation that will be conducted by the police on this case shortly. I am already preparing a report to the Inspector – General of Police.
Second, he made allusion to the fact that the first of his victims lived in the southwest. His intention was to give the complaint and my action ethnic colouration. Well the Victim is not from my ethnic nationality and i am never affected by ethnicity in the discharge of my duties. If you commit a crime, you are a crime suspect. i have no business with your ethnic nationality. If you are a victim of crime, I do my best to get justice for you no matter where you came from.
He claimed he had a relationship with the first victim. That is true. i mentioned the fact yesterday that even if he was sleeping with any or both of them, it changes nothing. Now the first victim had told me that they dated from February till May 2016. the monies she gave him then which ran to over a million naira was not included in the claims she has made. In May when he brought concept of the bogus business, (i will explain bogus shortly), the lady severed the relationship and said she didn’t mix business with pleasure.
So from May, 2016 it was purely business that connected them. I called it bogus business designed only to siphon money from the hapless women because one, he boasted that he had a lawyer who registered the company bla bla bla. Yet none of those he scammed were listed as directors. he never opened a company account to receive the funds he collected in his personal account. There is no written contract or agreement to document the investments of the so called investors whom he merely set out to dupe. None of the women victims had any say over issue of finance while all the money went into his private account to do with as he pleased. I have already received statement of account of the victims covering the period and there is no exaggeration in the sums moved to his account. You guys should ask him what he did with eleven million Naira within months.
Yesterday night another victim showed up. She was on hospital bed post surgery when this guy went to badger her for money to invest in a documentary for a State Governor. He promised that the shooting would be completed within two weeks and he would be paid. Despite reluctance due to her health challenge, he persuaded her to issue a cheque of N800,000 in his favour. He cleared the cheque the following day. It is almost a year now, he has only refunded the lady N200,000 despite repeated requests which even involved both their mothers. Last night the lady went to demand for her money again only to find that he had vacated his premises without informing her. Yet within minutes of the lady leaving the premises, guyman had been alerted of the lady’s visit and he tried to chat her up with the usual smooth lines. That is a separate case.
Fortunately the lady is in Abuja and she had initiated the process to get him arrested because that was all the savings she had and her life had become frustrated without her capital. Her thinking was that by the time she would have fully recovered from the surgery, she would have gotten her money back. Shen never counted on the smooth operator using his cult-like following to dare her to go to the police.