I was recently a part of a women’s conference (She Will Conference), and one of my fellow sisters in Christ spoke on a lot of “P” words. It was truly awesome! And I say that to say, that even though this was not intended, I can’t help but have a bunch of “P” words coming out of me as I prepare to write this week’s blog post! LOL! So as you read this write-up, I can’t help but talk about the process of prayer, patience, persistence, and perseverance, as you take the necessary steps toward walking in your purpose successfully.
Personally, I know all about this, because I went through these steps and I’m still walking out a lot of them as I currently walk in my purpose. So I hope this piece helps you, because it’s definitely tried and true!
Now, let’s proceed…
Prayer – For starters, prayer will be essential before you step into your purpose. Reason being is because as you spend time in God’s presence, talking and listening to Him, that’s where He can reveal what it is that He wants to do in your life and for the season you’re in and moving toward. So talk to Him. Ask questions. And listen for His leading. First John 5:14-15 says, “And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him (according to his will –KJV). And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.” (NLT)
Also, I want to say that if you don’t know your purpose yet, again, pray and ask. And in due time, I believe that He will reveal it to you. But if you do know your purpose, then understand that it will be a step by step process of prayer and movement. However, in most cases, before you step into your purpose, it will take patience for it all to come together and come into fruition.
Patience – Before you step into your purpose it will take patience. Patience in spiritual growth, patience in experience and trials, patience in moving in God’s perfect timing, and patience in waiting for His clear direction for each step forward. This is usually NOT an easy process, because we typically want it all NOW! We are truly a microwave generation. But God doesn’t work that way. Often times, He takes His time. He’s not in a rush. And as His daughters, we shouldn’t be either.
God is working and when it’s time to do what He has predestined you to do, it will be perfect and you will be completely ready to move to do His good work and finish the assignments that He gives to you. Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” (NLT) He’s got you all the way covered, sis! So be patient, because He will bring it all to pass.
Persistence – Now, as you begin to move forward into God’s perfect timing to walk in your purpose, it will take persistence to get the job done! In other words, when you’re tired, you’ll need to find the endurance and when you get stuck and don’t know what to do, you’ll need to pray and ask for wisdom. The Holy Spirit will lead, guide, and strengthen you. Just follow His divine provision and follow His lead step by step. Just don’t give up in the process. God has called you for such a time as this…so trust Him to guide you to get what He wants done through you. Stay persistent and do what 1 Corinthians 15:58 says, “So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immoveable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” (NLT)
Perseverance – Press! Endure unto the end. Don’t stop! Complete the assignments that God gives you, sis. It will not always be easy to do what God is requiring of you. Some assignments will be easier than others. On the flip side, some assignments will be harder than others. Either way, with God nothing is impossible (see Matthew 19:26). Second Thessalonians 3:13 encourages, “…dear brothers and sisters never get tired of doing good.”
Where are you as it relates to steps toward your purpose, sis? Are you there yet? Are you walking in it? How’s it going either way? Are you praying, patient when God calls you to be patient, persistent under trial or hardship, and persevering no matter what? Another “P” I might add is preparation. Walking in your purpose takes preparation. Are you preparing yourself in every way to walk in it successfully?
As I prepare to close this post, I have to say that walking in your purpose can look like a lot of different things. It can look like divine assignments or a specific calling. But it can also be roles that you play in life. Meaning, if you are a mother, that’s purpose. If you’re a wife, that’s purpose. If you’re a single or married woman doing amazing things in work and ministry, that’s purpose. If you’re a boss or leader, that’s purpose. If you’re a volunteer, that’s purpose. The point here is that whatever God’s purpose or will is for your life, the key to success is following Him step by step in every way.
[written by Courtnaye Richard]