Robert Pattinson And FKA Twigs Return To LA, But She's Without Her Engagement Ring.(Photos)

 Robert Pattinson and fiance FKA Twigs landed at Los Angeles International Airport on Monday evening, but noticeably absent was her engagement ring.

Are these two lovebirds calling things off, or was she simply giving her ring finger a break on the plane? There were rumors that they had split, but seeing as they're traveling together we highly doubt that.

But there are also rumors that there might be another Twilight film in the works! Patrick Wachsberger, co-chairman of Lionsgate Motion Picture Group, recently revealed that you shouldn't rule out a Robsten reunion onscreen, anyway. 

In an interview with Screen Daily, Wachsberger said, "It's a possibility. Not a certainty but it's a possibility. It's about Stephenie [Meyer]. 

If she wants to tell a story related to those characters we're here for her." Given how much money the film made, we don't doubt she'd want to do another, but would Rob and Kristen REALLY be on board? That's doubtful. 
